All games are a Thurston Middle School with the exception of U13 where home games are in Springfield and away games are played in Albany, Lebanon, Corvallis, Salem, Newport, Florence and other cities in the state of Oregon.
- Home teams (with a house next to your team on the calendar) wear blue
- Away teams wear white and kick off first
- Referees will provide the game ball
- Custom (sponsored) uniforms need to be approved by AYSO. Additional guidelines as far as custom uniforms will be posted in the future
- For safety reasons, players cannot wear earrings during practices or games
- As a reminder, pets are not allowed on the fields during games or practices.
- For more information about the AYSO pet policy, please visit
- We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in this matter.
- Disclaimer: AYSO is obligated to observe and respect existing regulations and laws regarding the presence of service animals at our fields. Service animals are defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) as only dogs or miniature horses that have been trained to do work or perform tasks for the benefit of an individual with a disability. Other animals, whether wild or domestic, do not qualify as service animals.
Uniform directions:
- Players are required to wear a complete uniform (Jersey, Shorts and Socks), Soccer cleats and Shin guards (!)
- Soccer Balls Size vary by Division
- U6 and U7 -> Size 3 Ball
- U9 and U11 -> Size 4 Ball
- U12 and Above -> Size 5 Ball

Thunder/Lightning Policy
If you hear it, clear it. If you see it, flee it. Keep the field clear until you have at least 30 minutes with no thunder or visible lightning.
Each year, about 400 children and adults in the U.S. are struck by lightning while working outside, at sports events, on the beach, mountain climbing, mowing the lawn or during other outdoor activities. About 80 people are killed and several hundred more are left to cope with permanent disabilities. Many of these tragedies can be avoided. Finishing the game, getting a tan, or completing a work shift aren’t worth death or crippling injury.
The AYSO National Referee Commission position regarding severe weather states: “It is said that lightning can strike from a clear blue sky that is within a ten mile radius of a storm. It is therefore strongly recommended that practices and games be terminated immediately upon hearing thunder or seeing lightning.”
In view of the above, the following is the position of AYSO Region 93 regarding severe weather and is to be instituted by coaches and referees at all practices, games and other AYSO sponsored events.
AYSO Region 93 will not cancel entire days or all remaining games due to active thunderstorms in our area as these storms usually pass through quickly. Regardless of the weather overhead, when thunder is heard and/or lightning is seen, suspend play and direct participants to a safe area by following the guidelines below. Play may resume 30 minutes after the last thunder is heard, or lightning seen.
Areas considered safe
- Inside a fully enclosed metal vehicle with windows up
- Inside a substantial building (roof and four walls)
Unsafe Areas
- Small buildings including picnic shelters and the open area of a concession stand
- Anywhere near metallic objects like flagpoles, antennas, towers, underground watering systems, soccer goals, metal bleachers, electric equipment
- Open fields, trees and water
Open area without shelter
- Avoid standing in groups
- Spread out to reduce risk
- Crouch on your feet, keep your head low
- Avoid being the tallest object
- Avoid lying on the ground
If a strike occurs to an individual
- Call 911
- If you are qualified to do so, apply First Aid or CPR immediately
- People struck by lightning do not carry an electrical charge and are safe to touch
Restarting after the All-Clear (30 minutes after the last boom is heard or strike is seen)
- Games which have completed the first half will be considered finished and the score at the time play was suspended shall be the final score.
- Games which have completed less than one half; the referee will resume by starting the second half, reducing the remaining time if necessary so that the match ends at the scheduled time.